Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Steak and Fettucini Yummm

How about spending a romantic night at home with your love with dinner, a movie, and a delicious dessert? That sounds good to me! This steak & fettucini dinner is one of my favorites because it's such a filling comfort food that after you eat it, you just want to plop on the couch and veg out! :)

Thinly sliced steak
1 bag of Frozen Fettucini Alfredo (I get mine from Trader Joes)
Olive oil

Pour the bag of Fettucini into a saucepan and cook on high heat with a lid until cooked (takes about 3-4 minutes), stiring here and there. At the same time, drizzle some olive oil on a pan over high heat. Season the steak with salt & pepper and place in pan cooking 1 minute on each side. Remove from heat. Pour the Fettucini into a large serving dish and top with the Steak. Viola! Valentine's Day Dinner for 2...Yummyyy

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