Monday, October 11, 2010

Hearty Breakfast Dinner for Champions!

ok, If this one doesn't become your family's #1 breakfast I don't know what will!


1 package pre-cut cooked potatos (wedged)
8 eggs or 1 pint eggbeaters
8 cooked sausage links, hotdogs, or ham chopped up
1 package frozen fajita veggies without meat (bellpeppers, onions..etc.)
fresh strawberries & mangoes & kiwi (precut at the store) (optional)
3 tbsp oil


1) open packages for the potatos & fajita mix & place in large bowl & put in microwave for 3 min
2) heat a pan on high and add the oil. Add the meat and stir for 1 min. remove & set aside.
3) in same pan add the potato & fajita mix and roughly mix until starts to get fried (barely) about a minute.
4) in another pan scramble the eggs or mix the eggbeater and once it's cooked add the meat.
5) mix the egg mixture with the potato mixture and serve in a large serving dish with fruit.
viola! Yummy breakfast is served!

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